“Governance Industry” refers to Dutch organizations active in the field of public institution and capacity building abroad. The survey shows that Dutch good governance and rule of law is seen as one of the Netherlands soft power resources, reflected in the worldwide popularity of the Polder Model. Hence it is not surprising that organizations compiling the Governance Industry are successful under the EU’s IPA/ENP twinning instrument. One of the most interesting findings of the study is that the “Industry” organizations strongly emphasize their own autonomy as a reason for their high level performance. However, simultaneously, it seems they are giving little attention to policies from Brussels aiming to scale-up towards large direct contracting with the so-called Direct Grants/Pagoda Instrument. “More coordination and clustering of the Dutch players”, says Willem van Nieuwkerk, director CILC (Center for International Legal Cooperation “may be needed to ensure that our experience will have sufficient leverage seize in comparison to those member states that do make an stronger effort towards more coordination.” He continues “It would be a pity if the quest for autonomy will contribute to withholding our good public administration and rule of law practices to countries that need our expertise the most!”